Machines and equipment - with energy and climate in mind
OTOMATIC SMOLEC I WRONKA SPÓŁKA JAWNA is implementing a project subsidized by the European Funds "Implementation of an innovative machine for cleaning particulate filters in hybrid technology" under Measure 3.2.1 Research for the market of the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to implement the results of R&D work carried out by the Applicant and the research and development unit, and to diversify the offer by introducing an innovative machine for cleaning DPF Platinum particulate filters working in the hybrid method to the domestic and global market.
The effect of the project will be: - strengthening the Company's innovation and competitiveness in the market, - introduction to the market of a breakthrough, previously unknown method of cleaning particulate filters, - increase in employment, - implementation of organizational and marketing innovations, - widening the circle of customers, - increase in sales value.
Diversification of the Company's offer and implementation of a new product on the market will be possible through the purchase of machinery and equipment enabling their production.
Project value: 3,127,398.00 PLN European Funds contribution: 1,398,430.00 PLN